11.28.21 Trach Floor 33

Ed’s blog post
Well Rosa had to drive home yet again in the wind and rain. Thankfully Rosa and I got two nights together here at the hospital. I think we could be good friends. I asked her dad the other if it was okay if I dated his daughter and he replied with “You better!” Just seeing each other on the weekends and talking on the phone every day reminds me of when we were dating. Some day I hope we can move in together 😉. 

Aimee woke up with clear eyes and we thought it was going to be a good day, but it quickly turned into a sad day with tears. We were able to give her a pain medication that should not affect her gut motility called Nalbuphine. It’s a medication the attending wanted us to try if she was in breakthrough pain. So far it has worked great and she has been resting well.

We talked to the attending this morning and we all agreed to go down on Aimee’s food and water rate to get to a place of comfort. The current goal and hope is to be able to remove the NG tube. The thought was that if we fed her 20mls of formula an hour that it would stimulate her digestion of her stomach secretions. It didn’t work. Instead it seemed to stimulate an increase in the amount of secretions that were produced. The thinking now is that if we reduce the volume down that the production will also go down, but if we also still keep a tiny drip going maybe it will help to digest the lower amount. Today they decreased her from 10mls of water and 10mls of food an hour to 5mls of each per hour. 

On one hand this feels like going backwards, but if she can be more comfortable then maybe her NG  output will go down, which will allow us to quit suctioning her stomach contents out. They have increased her IV fluids to make up for the decreased food and water. And once again we wait and see how she does …

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