11.25.21 Trach Floor 30

Happy Thanksgiving. 

Aimee and I had decent day. She started fairy agitated, but seemed to grow more comfortable towards the evening. I hope that all the nurses here caring for her get a chance to see her beautiful smile soon. 

The only medical things for today were starting gabapentin this evening and a bloodwork update. We had discussion with many different doctors and the consensus is that we should try a nerve medication to see if it will allow Aimee to be more comfortable. There are still abnormalities happening with her digestion, but the discomfort is extreme. The hope is that at least it will allow her to tolerate her stomach secretions without pain so that we can remove the NG suction tube. 

A couple of days ago I had mentioned some good news about 2 specific tests. C-reactive protein was one and it had finally dipped all the way to high normal. Well, it has gone up again. Not crazy high like it was when we came in, but a sign of inflammation in her body. The other was her calcium level finally getting to the low end of normal with all of the supplements. It dropped fairly significantly again. Disappointing.

Aimee woke up enough later in the day to enjoy A Christmas Carol Mickey style. I had a surprise apple pie and chocolate turkey delivered by the orthopedic surgeon, which was touching.

An emotionally sad, lonely type of day, but I was able to practice more painting using Let’s Make Art tutorials on youtube. So many good ones. It restores my soul to have this way to create here. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are painting! It can be so relaxing. And you are getting so good at it!


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