10.7.21 ICU 12

Good news this morning, Aimee’s inflammation markers for sepsis are making great improvements. She is still many multiple times above normal and she is still sick, but less and less critically. Her hematocrit is still declining, but slowed and her other blood counts are essentially stable. She has started to have some output from her ostomy, but her belly is still quite swollen, which shows us she is not ready to use her digestive system yet. 

Our hopes for today are to have the NG tube removed from her nose (this has been hooked up to a suction machine to pull from her stomach) and to have a sedated brain MRI this afternoon. 

A friend sent her this sweet little owl companion. We have received a few gift cards for the room service for us as caregivers. This is such a help and blessing. If you would like to send a card for Aimee, you can use the hospital gift shop website https://giftshop.seattlechildrens.org/

Or send a gift card specifically here

Aimee is currently in Forest level 5 room 303. 

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