10.6.21 ICU 11

Talking with all the different teams about if we should proceed with a tracheostomy. It is a hard decision to make. There are many reasons that we think it may be better for Aimee’s life at this point, but… as I mentioned she would need an awake helper with her all the time who has gone through a 4 hour emergency training and can alert us to come help her. In order to leave her with anyone they would have to go through a 14 hour training or be a nurse. That is just… so much to ask anyone else to do. Especially getting night care covered. 

Aimee’s ICU doctor actually wrote the pediatric critical care textbook that many of our nurses used in school! He is a sweet grandfatherly man that has loads of experience and a gentle demeanor. He encouraged us to make a decision while Aimee is still intubated and to consider how much easier it would be to care for her during sickness. Watching the team care for her with the breathing tube has been affirming our decision to go forward as it is much less traumatic for Aimee to be suctioned, have cough assist, and she is getting more effective ventilation. 

Please pray with us that we would have clear direction on if we should proceed with a trach. We are having a sedated brain MRI tomorrow to show us if there are brain stem changes. If there is a significant change than the hope that a trach would give her more energy and bring Aimee back to us would be low. 


  1. Praying for you, Ed and Aimee! ♥️♥️ Hugs to you all! Thinking of and praying for her siblings as well!



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