10.15.21 ICU 24

Aimee made it to her first trach change! This is wonderful because she no longer needs to be on fresh trach protocols and this new trach is a longer more comfortable fit for her. 
Child life brought in a stuffed animal with a trach and some coloring pages of animals with trachs for me to bring home to the other kids. 
Now that she is off of fresh trach protocol, the team will start weaning her off of her pain med drips and her sedation drips today. 

Here are her leg x-rays from a few days ago that show her broken bone. 😩 I have been talking with Palliative care and MCC about this and they have both really encouraged me that this sadly very common in complex kids. More often than not there is no known event that caused the fracture, but it is most commonly in the long bones of the body. 


  1. That is so special that they are thinking about the other kids. I bet they will be really excited to get the stuffed animal and coloring pages.
    If we want to send a Starbucks card or Costco card how do we do it? I sent a card to you through the gift shop. I hope you got it.
    Praying for all of you Cathy

    1. We got a card a couple of days ago that had no name attached to it! I wanted to send a thank you message, but couldn’t. Thank you so much for the gift and the prayers. 💛💛


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