10.5.21 ICU 10

Aimee is still intubated. Extubation readiness test was done this afternoon. She made it a couple of minutes this time before going apnic. Progress from a few seconds the previous attempt. I assume that they will try again tomorrow. 

Today we got an initial education about trachs. To be honest most of the conversation Ed and I were nodding along thinking that this would be awesome for Aimee… except that it would require a long hospital stay and the real kicker, someone has to be awake with her 24/7. 

We’ll see what the next couple of weeks reveal as Aimee recovers from this critical illness. 


  1. Oh Rosa♥️My heart is just breaking for you all😢You’re so strong, I don’t think I could handle it all. I wish I could give you all huge tight hugs♥️♥️ Praying for all of you🙏🙏Love you guys, hope is coming🙏🙏♥️♥️


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