1.4.22 Trach Floor 69

Ed’s post

Today has been filled with lots of visitors. We met with the Physical Therapist and the wheelchair company representative, because Aimee isn’t fitting into her chair super well. Turns out we need all parts, including a new back and seat mold as she has out grown her current ones. Her weight has increased about 35% in the last three months. Also a couple of others things like a new head rest and IV pole attachment. 

Occupational Therapy came by with Aimee’s new splints for her wrist that she was measured for a couple months ago. 

Tonight has been a bit of a whirlwind. Aimee has been pretty lethargic today and her temperature dropped to 94.4 also with increased secretions. Her bloodwork yesterday showed increased inflammation. Thanks to Caleb’s Christmas Eve present to Aimee, a heated blanket, we where able to warm her back up. In the mean time we have done a urine culture, chest X-ray, and a viral swab. So far nothing has come back positive, but she is definitely showing signs of stress somewhere in her body. We have chosen to postpone tomorrow’s central line procedure and let her recover.

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