1.28.22 Trach Floor 95

Yesterday Aimee was so agitated all day without her regular med schedule. Today she has been doing really well. Very comfortable and alert. Enjoying all of our chatter as we spent the day training on TPN, central line care, ect. 

Aimee is still struggling with keeping warm in the evenings, going mildly hypothermic each night. We have been using a wonderful bair hugger while here, which is lovely because there is no concern for burns on a patient like Aimee that cannot communicate. However, insurance will not pay for one sadly. We do have a heated blanket at home, so we are working on trouble shooting how to safely and effectively keep her warm for discharge. 

The double lumen PICC was removed last night, so all that remains is a single lumen tunneled line on her chest, which is already in use and we will use at home. We received a new intermittent suction machine to trial for home use. This was such a fight. Just a few month ago we were told that we could not go home with gastric suction. Her whole team, especially the care coordinator, fought really hard to find a way. And now, we are getting close!  

Aimee is snuggled up with a heated blanket, a sweater, and a weighted blanket tonight. She is enjoying The Sound of Music on her ipad. 

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