12.8.21 Trach Floor 42

Alright, we have access for meds again with a GJ in place. Goodness what an ordeal this all is! Aimee was vomiting this morning and her stomach was bloated and her ostomy was really low. She was not comfortable. She missed several doses of a good number of meds to help with pain, motility, sleep, and seizures. We are working to get those back on track. 

While things have not been smooth, we do at least have a path forward now. We will go home with LIS, low intermittent suction, from her stomach. We will use the j to give her meds. We will get a central line (type to be determined) and take her home on TPN. Still quite a bit of work to do, but it helps to see the way forward. 

Thank you to the all of the amazing individuals who have given us an influx of room service gift cards. It was so nice to get hot food delivered for dinner tonight! 

Aimee is sleeping now and waiting to feel more comfortable again. Unfortunately, the bag for the lipids portion of her TPN broke tonight, so she won’t be getting those calories. She has actually gained a bunch of weight while here on TPN. A lot, like a 20% increase. So maybe one night off will be okay. :) 

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