12.5.21 Trach Floor 40

This is our week. By the end of it, we should have a pretty clear path forward. Tomorrow afternoon Aimee will go in for a sedated GI scope. Depending on how that goes, we may have a NJ placed or keep the GJ or… well we’ll see. Very likely she will be without access to her gut for a day, which means no enteral meds like gabapentin, sleep meds, or the seizure med we are currently working on building up. 

There is a little tricky dance in that Tuesday morning she is scheduled for a bone scan. In order to do that scan she can’t have any contrast for 2 weeks prior. Yet, to place an NJ or to replace the GJ they would need contrast. The idealistic hope is that they will be able to have the scan on Tuesday morning and go directly from there to place the new gut access. We’ll see. Once we get through this rigamarole, we should know what we will need to accomplish to get discharged. 

Aimee is on antibiotics for her UTI and already feeling much better. Between stopping all of her feeds, the gabapentin, and treating the UTI, she seems MUCH more comfortable. Ed caught her little signals very early and the team really commended him on his intuition.

Ed and I had a good day with Aimee. We were able to get her hair and body washed, her ostomy changed, her trach care completed, and even got to order in some Korean food. Thank you friends for the grub hub cards!! Such a blessing!

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