12.22.21 Trach Floor 56

Aimee pretty well slept the day away today despite the new medication to signal her brain to be awake. :/ Her blood tests tonight did show low levels of potassium so that could be contributing to her fatigue. 

My primary conversations today were with care coordination regarding infusion companies. A lot of details to work out around who is accepting patients, who will allow us to have the PICC line vs a tunneled line, who will allow us to do the dressing changes or require us to come in weekly for them, who would allow IV meds at home, who would be okay with hospice nurses doing weight management at home and blood draws, who would provide training, ect. It is a little overwhelming to sort through. No word back yet from general surgery or infectious disease. 

There were a lot of memories that came up today from previous surgeries and hospital stays. Here are a few photos from previous December 22nds: 

Hip surgery

Wound vac after the spinal growth rods

And as a bonus

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