7.2.21 Inpatient 4

I was wrong about not dumping fluids anymore. She still is continuing to dump through her ostomy. It may have decreased a bit, but still much more than normal. We are having to give her about 1100 daily in IV fluids on top of her j feeds to keep her hydrated. She is finally hydrated though. She finally this evening produced an actual decent amount of urine when we cathed her. So glad to see pee! 

We believe that the stomach ulcers have stopped, as the farrell contents are no longer bloody. In other good news, she finally kinda woke up this evening for a short time. Spent a couple of hours off of bipap! Even gave me a couple of little droopy eyed smirks. 

So some progress. We’ll see what the night brings! Ed went home to get a good sleep, see the other kids, and milk the cow. Aimee and I are here ready for a night of vitals, turning, output tracking, and meds. :) 

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