12.19.17 Wound VAC28

Still no official plan from Aimee’s team as regards her wound plan, though we have heard a few different rumors. 

What we do know at this point is the Aimee is being taken off of TPN tonight, because... she is now up to full nutrition continuously through the NJ! She will still have the central line for a bit longer. Tomorrow late afternoon she will have a small procedure to replace her g-tube with a g/j-tube, which means that we will be able to bipass her stomach and feed her directly into her small intestine at home. This will be a bit more complicated in some ways. We will not be able to replace the button at home like we were able to do with the g-tube, because the j portion has to be threaded into her intestines at the hospital. A much bigger deal if it gets pulled out accidently! She also will not be able to take very much volume at a time, so no bolus feeds (meals), she will instead be fed round the clock. Also, her meds will have to be spread out more instead of just 2 times per day. But! Having the ability to bipass her stomach will allow us to take her home, hopefully really soon. It may also be really helpful for future sicknesses and surgeries. 

Side note:Walter has offically spent half his life in the hospital as of today, even though he was born at home and has never been admitted! 

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