9.30.17 Tough Times

Poor Aimee has had a really rough day. After the long day on Thursday at the hospital, there was some extra bleeding and tiredness. When we attempted a bolus enima through the c-tube in the afternoon, there wasn't much output and even after an hour and a half in her toilet chair, not all of the liquid came through. She was really distressed and needed big pain meds. Today she has been distressed all day. We started early with 4 different enimas/endeavors and no success... like nothing came back out! She was understandably very upset with her colon full of fluids and cramping. It took 5 1/2 hours to finally get the fluids back out. She is sobbing in pain, heartrate is skyrocketing again into the 180s even with oxicodone. Her cecostomy site has some redness and pus discharge. Very slight fever, but that could very well be from being so worked up. 

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