11.5.17 Update

Aimee is still struggling with liquids, but thankfully only showing very mild dehydration signs. We are hopeful that today may be the day she gets to full fluids, which will be a big relief. She is much more comfortable when we turn off the pumps, so it seems like a lot of her current challenge is related to stomach cramps and reflux and possibly some intestinal distress from the few mls of food we are attempting push. 

She did have a significant amount of drainage yesterday from that lower incision, but the staple closure is holding well and it looks great so far. We are pretty concerned about her being hindered from healing by her lack of nutritional stores and lack of current nutrition. Praying that she will increase her tolerance quickly so that she has the tools her body needs to heal. 

One concerning thing we have started seeing is muscle tremers that she didn’t have before in her legs. Hopefully it is just temporary as her body is healing, but we are keeping our eye on the duration and frequency to be safe. 

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