1.4.15 Next Stage

Today, Ed went back to work. Last week, we figured out how to take care of Aimee on our own. This week, I must do it alone. Thankfully, Ed will come home evenings, because there are some tasks that I could not begin to imagine doing without his help. This isn't easy.

We have mostly managed Aimee's pain with medication round clock and as little movement as possible. The hospital bed was officially approved by insurance, including an upgraded pressure release mattress and guard rails. A huge relief! This allows us to do dressing changes, makes it simpler to do enimas/catheters, and is necessary to use the lift so that I can move her by myself. 
Sometimes, we have even seen this cute smile coming back! 
We have lots of help from our little men, though not always the help we are in search of at that moment. 

For this coming week, we have some goals.
1) eliminate the use of strong pain meds, moving to only tylenol and ibuprofen. 
2) heal her g-tube site, which has torn  and is leaking from the pressure of swelling and distended stomach.
3) keep everyone alive and painfree.
4) maybe move Aimee off of continuous fluids towards regular bolus feedings. 
5) manage skin care with weight shifting and keeping the 5 incision sites padded and clean. 

Thankful for the prayers. We are coming out of the dark fog and back into the light of life. Keep praying for Aimee as she slowly heals. 

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