10.25.12 The Sequel: Day 4

Tough day today. Aimee was exhausted and whiney. She is still on minimal food and water, but thankfully keeping it all. She slept most of the day, even during her lessons. She is tired from the long week and all the information she has taken in, but I imagine she is also lacking energy due to low calorie intake.

The first lesson was especially interesting today. The specialist really pushed Aimee. She was almost a little rough from my perspective. Partly I think she was trying to wake her up, but also she was really looking for Aimee to make good progress this week. We want good progress too, but not at the cost of overwhelming her. It seems like a delicate balance.

All that being said, we did see a few interesting motions today:
-in lesson, half rolling to side. Therapist was rolling her top half and she rolled the bottom half. Therapist rolled her bottom half and Aimee rolled the top.
-participated a little bit in the process of pushing herself up on her hands.
-she was very jumpy and jerky in her second lesson. Almost like she was a little sore from the morning.
-putting one foot over on the other knee and then lifting both together.

Tomorrow is our last day of lessons for the week. I am praying for Aimee tonight. I don't understand everything that is going on with her currently, but I am hoping that she will fully benefit and utilize the information that her brain gathers in tomorrow's lessons. I am praying for wisdom to know what the balance is between spurring her on and pushing too hard. I am asking for clear direction on where to go from here.

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