10.23.12 The Sequel: Day 2

Aimee was very sleepy today and even when awake, she has been very calm. She had her first lesson this morning with the specialist that works with CP kids. Both her instructor from Bellevue and her other instructor down here sat in on the lesson. Made for a crowded room!

Today we noticed Aimee:
-strongly flexing her hands and fingers
-thrusting her hips and arching her back an inch or more off of the ground
-interlocking fingers when holding hands
-breathing more relaxed
-kicking left leg very fast and high

We were finally able to have a day with no lost food or fluids, however, in order to attain that feat, we only gave her 1/3 of her typical food and less than 1/4 of her water at greatly reduced rates. Tomorrow I am hoping to increase her water intake.

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