6.15.21 ICU Update 1

We are with Aimee in the ICU! She is doing well. She was extubated to bipap with oxygen. She has had 1 unit of blood at this point. She has a couple of drain lines, arterial line, a few IVs, ect, but she is so far  fairly comfortable with a cocktail of IV pain meds. Her oxygen is good overall, her blood pressure is decent, coloring is good. She is really doing stellar so far. 

We haven’t seen her back yet, but hope to be able to see it tonight with the nursing change. Overall what we have noticed is a definite shape change in her side back. She does have some skin tearing on her face, which is sad. 

The plan for tonight is managing pain/muscle spasms (both of which have already begun 😢), monitoring blood loss, the output from catheter, and labs. We hope to start pedialyte in the morning and possibly try to sit her up tomorrow. Maybe. If papa bear says okay. 

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