10.18.17 Spine Surgery 8

After a pretty good day and some breaks off of bipap, we were released at 10pm tonight from the ICU to the surgical floor. It is already a nightmare. Aimee is needing more oxygen and is having muscle spasms. She is breathing really quick and shallow. They seem unprepared to deal with her here already in the first 30 minutes. We have a shared room in which we are not allowed to use the bathroom or the shower. We have to go down the hall to get to a community bathroom. Apparently we will have to go to a different floor altogether to get to a shower. (Really wish I had taken one up in the ICU). We are the outside bed, so there is barely enough room for all of Aimee's equipment, let alone room for us to sleep. And we were told by the surgical fellow that Aimee would be fine to transfer since they have "5 of the same patient" already. Oooh I'm ticked. They have no idea how to care for Aimee on this floor and to pretend that all 5 patients that had spine surgeries done are the same person...makes my blood boil. This is going to be a LONG hospital stay! 

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