2.16.16 Life

Aimee had her brace and cast removed this Thursday following x-rays. Her Orthopedic Surgeon was pleased with her progress so far and will have her come for another set of x-rays 6 weeks from now. 
Aimee was pleased to leave the office without extra restrictions, but we were surprised to quit the brace cold turkey. Honestly, we should have listened to our instincts on this one and brought the brace home to transition gradually. Aimee is having a difficult time. She is very jumpy and so uncomfortable with movement that it is really hard to change diapers, ect. We're trying to transition her out of bed, but it is so slow. Add the discomfort her bulging new hips with the hardware just below her skin and we are having to again relearn how to carry and position her. 

In good news, our recent stay at the hospital allowed us to get an advocate social worker. This means we are in the process of being approved for respite care hours. We had already begun using respite care, training my remarkable niece and paying her with funds from Sparrow Clubs, but this money will only get us through about 6-8 more weeks. Having those 20 hours a week off from primary responsibility has begun to shift things. I am beginning to see life again, beginning to have a bit of identity beyond Aimee's caregiver. I will always be her main caregiver, always be her mom, always be focused on her. But there can be room for just a bit more too. 

Hope germinates in my soul. 

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