5.18.18 Good Reports

A few key updates to share for Aimee. 

First, her bloodwork finally is showing her carbon dioxide levels have decreased back to her own version of normal. This is really good news and a big relief. 

Second, concerns have been expressed during recent appointments about her left hip. Repeat x-rays show that her hip is still partially out, but has not progressed noticeably in the past 6 months thankfully.

Third, not so good news, her right elbow has lost 10 more degrees of extension in the past 6 months. Although her left elbow is worse, her right is the one she uses to touch, explore, ext. Her rehab doctor asked that we at least meet with the orthopedic surgeon to discuss a lengthening procedure. We will see them at the end of the month. I think it may be a difficult decision. We really don’t want her to lose any ability she has to engage. We also really don’t want to put her through any surgery, even minor, if there isn’t a clear benefit. Hopefully talking with the surgeon will make the choice obvious. 

Aimee continues about the same. She has some good moments where she is energetic, even hyper. Most often she is tired and staring, unengaged. We’re fully enjoying all the good moments. 

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