6.23.16 A Little Love

Here to share a little love with you from Aimee.

This week she made it through a few clinic appointments. First, she was approved by the PASS clinic to go under anesthesia for her upcoming surgery in a few weeks. Her nutrition was reviewed and she met her weight gain goal exactly (6 grams on average per day). AND...more or less excitingly, depending on your perspective, her GI doctor came up with plans A, B, C, and D for Aimee the enima enigma. We are combining multiple types of enimas together in hopes of avoiding a surgical option, which may not even be successful in Aimee's case. If these plans don't work, the next step is adding a daily irrigation routine. Something new just in time. We were getting so bored. ;)

Much love to all our wonderful family and friends who follow Aimee.

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