10.22.15 Big Deal

This is a really, really big deal! Are you ready to read it? Get ready. 

Aimee's insurance has approved her new wheelchair and, from what we can tell, every single little peice of it! You read that right. In a couple of months, she will have a brand new, completely paid for, fully supportive wheelchair. We are incredibly thankful and thrilled. This chair will be a part of her for the next 5 or so years.

It will certainly be bittersweet to move on from her first wheels, which are a symbol to us of our loving community and of God's faithful provision. That incredible experience 4.5 years ago will forever be etched in Aimee's life story and we will never be the same. 

However, Aimee has grown. Her needs have grown. Her smile has grown (beside the point, but still true). Her discomfort and distortion have grown too. It's time to move forward to new wheels. 

1 comment:

  1. How incredible!!!! Congratulations!!! What a relief for you guys I am sure.


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