She has had a sad morning. Probably hip troubles. Some adjustment, some pain medication, and a snuggle in mommy and daddy's bed seems to have calmed her. I am holding her soft hand with her long, sturdy nails. Admiring her smooth skin. Watching her head bob around, dancing to some unheard beat. Her eyes are glancing this way and that. She sighs.
I cannot convey to you, or to future me, all the details of this moment. I can take a picture. I can find words to describe. But how can I capture the feeling of my cheek against hers. The smell of her. The sound of her breath. The pattern of movement. I am desperate to catch this moment even more than with the boys, though I feel it with them too. Wishing I could always remember the feel of a round baby nuzzling me or a sticky, small hand leading me.
In the end, all I can do is be present. I can laugh and sing. I can savor. I can enjoy this day, not worrying what tomorrow will remember. Not anxious of what obstacles lie ahead.
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