11.14.13 Housekeeping

Don't worry, this post is not about keeping your house clean. I have little input to offer you in that department. In fact, it is entirely overrated. Except that it is actually wonderful and I miss it. 

Anyways, our appointments yesterday were somewhat like housekeeping. First we met with Aimee's Neurodevelopmental doctor. He takes any and all types of questions and concerns. He throws some out and answers others. It is good to have a place where we can ask about the little things. For example, who do you talk to about temperature regulation? Or panic attacks? Or prescription diapers? 

A few new things came of it:
-testing out melatonin to help Aimee sleep
-attempting to get a floor chair so Aimee can be down interacting with her brothers safely
-trying out prescription diapers as Aimee is outgrowing the size 7 pampers
-agreement to potentially remove Aimee from school
-affirmation to bring her bring her to ER as soon as we are concerned. Even said he will back us at any time they don't check her out to our satisfaction. 
-guidance on getting respite hours

Overall, he was really pleased with how great Aimee looks, complimenting her diet and coloring. She even laughed for him during the check up. Sweet girl!

The second appointment was with a respiratory therapist. She spent a couple hours training me on chest PT and testing out a cough assist machine. We came home with clappers to start practicing for her next sickness. The cough machine is quite expensive, so we will rent for a period to test. It is kind of like an intense version of the bipap, except instead of a constant variable pressure the machine fills the lungs and then pulls the air back out. So often Ed and I wish we could cough for her. I am really hoping these tools will make things easier and more comfortable for Aimee when she is sick. I'll let you know!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see our RT in Jan! And now I am extremely interested in the cough assist machine! Please let me know how that works for her! Elizabeth has a strong cough luckily but I just feel that this has been a very hard cold season already.



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