10.28.13 New Keys

In the midst of the current sickness, we have discovered two keys to comfort.

First, we found a way to make her so much more comfortable. She has to be in her chair 24/7 when she is sick. It never occurred to us before that she could be snuggled in with a few adjustments on her side. How did this never occur to me before?!

The second key is really more about my own peace of mind. We bought a monitor to track her oxygen saturation, heart rate, and blood pressure. Now we don't have to take her in just to ensure that her oxygen levels are high enough. One less stress point!


  1. Wow what a great idea! And the machine looks really helpful!

  2. I am sure precious peace of mind comes with that machine!!! Aimee sure looks snuggly all curled up on her side! Can't wait to kiss her cheeks...will the day ever come?


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