Happy New Year!
What a memorable Christmas and New Year we just had! Unfortunately, Aimee came down with the stomach flu just after the Christmas Eve Service at church. We settled in for an unexpected and very quiet Christmas weekend. We were disapointed to not make it to either family gathering. HOWEVER, we were completely blown out of the water by our family, who made huge Christmas sacrifices and came together to show us their support. We were and are still astounded by the love expressed. We are incredibly blessed.
For our Christmas we decided to let Aimee have her very first night all by herself at her Nana and Papa’s house. Ed and I had to go all by our lonely little selves to Port Townsend for New Year’s Eve night. While we missed our cutie, we really enjoyed the time alone together. Much needed!
We are now beyond the holidays, so it is back to the grind with appointments. Tomorrow we begin therapy again and are in the process of applying for a teacher of the visually impaired to come with the therapist once a month.
We are still at twice at week with the chiropractor, typically Tuesdays and Fridays. It is really hard to tell how much of difference this is making at this point. She is never able to hold herself in correct posture, so she is continually misaligned.
Thursday, I am taking Aimee to the dentist for the first time. I’m sure she will enjoy sitting in the chair all by herself, just hope she doesn’t bite his fingers!
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