
Had a little appointment for Aimee this morning with her Naturopathic Pediatrician. She has had some strange genital sores for the last few weeks and I finally gave up trying to get rid of them myself when they started spreading. Turns out it is just an infection caused by a combination of factors, including the fact that she is such a good sleeper and eater. Kind of funny, but because she sleeps so long at night and eats such a variety of foods (especially the acidic foods), there is a wider range of bacterias that are against her skin for too long of a time. The doctor recommended that I use disposable diapers at night, as we definitely don't want to limit her diet or wake her up in the middle of the night to change her diaper.
Honestly, I was a bit dissapointed. Really, it isn't much, but it just means we have to buy disposable diapers and add to land fills. We have been trying to do our little part and reuse as much as possible...I know it is such a small thing...I just hate to "give in". If it had been any other doctor I would have argued, but I know Dr Cowan used cloth diapers with his kids and definitely agrees with us using them in general.
Funny how the little things get to you! As if it somehow negates us using cloth in general, because we will be using one disposable a day! I think my reaction is because of all the negative responses that I get to using cloth. It was the same with having her at home or pumping breastmilk...people feel that I am judging their choices, just because I believe that it's okay to not choose the most conveinant option. I wish people didn't feel judged, rather that they felt encouraged to rethink their own choices. Maybe no one will change their actions, but I hope they at least realize that they are making a choice, even if their only motivation is conveinance. Sometimes easy is just too good of an option to pass up.


  1. Something's gotta go in the landfills. Don't want to have all those perfectly good landfills going to waste!

    Instead of thinking of the negatives involved with disposables, you could focus on the men and women who have a job because Aimee is wearing the diapers they made, transported, sold. :)

    I'm looking forward to the summer so I can just turn Lolo loose in the yard without any diaper!

  2. I know this is WAY after you originally posted this, but I am sorry you have gotten flack about your birth, feeding, and diapering choices! :) I totally understand where you are coming from, and I'm hoping to do the same things as you.


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