Ed’s Blog Post
It is a tell tale sign that you have been at the hospital too long when the second steroid inhaler runs out. I’ll explain. Each inhaler comes with approximately 124 puffs and lasts for 31 days. We have now been here 62 days, which matches our combined total from our previous stays this year 😳. We have been here 4 months this year and we have 1 more to go 😔.
If you would have told me that we would be spending this much time here this year, I would have told you that you were crazy! It has been so soo hard, but somehow, by the grace of God and your support, we have survived. Our goals have changed, even since we were in the ICU in October, but somehow having these goals (Comfy, home, happy, and alert) to focus on has given me hope for the future.
It was confirmed this morning that Aimee does in fact have a UTI, which helps me feel less like a crazy person. I told one of the MCC doctors this morning, before we had the results, that something was off with Aimee. Not looking at the monitors or any of the numbers, something was wrong. About 15 minutes later we got the confirmation for the UTI. Not going to lie, it felt good to actual find something we can treat and fix. We started the antibiotics after a quick EKG and so had a GREAT evening. She is already feeling better!
Man I have missed this girl. She was smirking at the nurses and I even got a little smile out of her. Makes my heart so happy to see her like this. And I got to enjoy these moments with Rosa too. My heart is full. ❤️
Awesome pictures. She has awesome parents who love her so much.