12.26.21 Trach Floor 60

Ed went back home today to take care of the animals/house in the very cold temperatures and snow. It is getting down to 11 degrees tonight. Brr. Unfortunately, we will probably need to cancel our final vent training tomorrow due to the weather and then I will be here another week before I can be home again. It is sure pretty out there though. 

Christmas morning Aimee woke up to a gift bag from the hospital. Typically in the past they had been involving the caregiver in picking out gifts. This year was… actually kind of a hurtful method. I would rather they had not given her anything. They filled the bag with things that an almost 13 year old girl would typically enjoy, a teen joke book, an adult coloring book, a novel. Probably for most of the patients who had to be here for the holidays, this method of gifting was a fun surprise. For kids in this part of the hospital… I imagine I was not the only family that found it to be a painful reminder of what their child is unable to do. 

Aimee slept the day away today. Even set off the low heart rate alarm a few times. I’m sure she was exhausted from the past couple of awake days. The moments she was awake though, she had a pleasant, peaceful look. Even a small grin. 

Neither of the lumens of her PICC line would draw back for labs tonight. Normally she has a bunch of labs done on Sunday and Wednesday nights, but they were unable to draw them. Hoping to get it resolved with a simple treatment tomorrow, but it does make me more hesitant to keep the PICC line at home. 

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